Black Owned T-shirts Company Created to Empower and Inspire

Black Owned T-shirts Company Created to Empower and Inspire

A black-owned t-shirt company & artist brand with a mission to create socially conscious, lifestyle, and empowerment art. A selected collection of black-owned t-shirts as well as thought-provoking black artworks. 

Black Contemporary Artist Kenal Louis

Hi there! I'm Kenal Louis, the artist behind this site and creative brand (an artist brand). I grew up between two distinctly exceptional states (Florida and Nebraska) but was born on an island.

If this is your first time coming across this blog post, welcome to my website, and if you're a returning visitor, welcome! 

Afrocentic T-shirts

A Black Artist With A Refined Vision

In 2017, I met someone who asked me a question that changed the trajectory of my life, a gentleman by the name of Thomas. He asked me, "what is the one thing you are willing to wake up every day for the rest of your life to do?" 

My instant answer that came to mind was "to make art... to draw or paint every day."

Thomas also told me I sucked at branding and needed to improve. So today, I own two separate businesses, Kenal Louis LLC and Branding Design Pro LLC. Yes, a branding design studio.

I decided to stop dabbling in many different creative avenues and make art in specific ways. Focused my art direction and refined my goal for the next decade and more.

Art to Empower the Black Community and Future Generations

I've believed for quite some time that the Black community needed more empowerment, inspiration, and art presentation, so I decided to create an ongoing body of black art, African-American, Haitian, and African heritage art.

I will also continue to create pen and ink drawings around Zodiac signs and other subject matters. Part of my dedication for the rest of my life is to build an immense body of work that empowers future generations and more artists who are also black to create black culture-inspired artworks.

Artwork Title: Venus and Star

Black Owned T-shirts - Mother and Daughter Artwork

Artwork Title: Mother and Star

Aro T-shirt

A Black Owned T-shirt Company & Artist Brand

Kenal Louis is a Black-owned, socially-conscious lifestyle and artist brand. The artworks created are done in a way to promote the beauty of black and brown people alike.

As an artist, my goal with the art is to inspire imagination, showcase self-expression, and spark conversations.

My process and artworks also celebrate the beauty of black and brown people - past and present. The illustrations and drawings I will create as original art, art prints, and other merch will give people a voice without having to speak.

14 Afrocentric T-shirts | Shop Black-owned T-shirts


Black-Owned T-shirts

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for supporting Black business!

Beautiful Mind

Tags: black owned t-shirt company, black owned clothing, black owned t shirts, black art, contemporary black artist

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